Ransome & Marles orchestra

Photo: Illustrative image for the 'Ransome & Marles orchestra' page

Can you help with this Newark-based query?

Recently received is the follwing query about the Ransome & Marles orchestra connected with the Ransome & marles ball-bearing factory in Newark.

The enquirer, Mrs J. D. of Loughborough writes:-

"This is a photo of my mother, Patricia Dale, wearing what I believe was her Ransome & Marles orchestra costume.  Could this be confirmed eg via other surviving photos?

"I believe the picture was taken in my granparents' garden at Clifton Crescent [Newark]".

"My mum, Patricia Dale, worked in the Progress Office [at R&M] and  her elder sister, Sylvia, also worked in the factory, I'm not sure doing exactly what job as she is no longer around to ask.

"My grandfather, John Dale, narrowly escaped being caught in the March 1941 air raid [at Ransomes]".

Can any readers of OurNottinghamshire help?  If so, please leave your information via the 'Comments' link below.

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